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The Most Efficient Data Centre Alarm Monitoring

Why is the iSMA-B-8I-IP the ideal Data Centre alarm monitoring IO module?

  • It reduces the hardware cost and engineering time by using the on-site IP infrastructure, no need to run an additional RS485 network.
  • It creates a resilient solution by separating alarms in groups of 8, most consultants require the modules to pick up groups of 6-8 alarms to limit the effects of any IO module failure.
  • It keeps your options open, using either Bacnet or Modbus IP and will comply with 99% of consultant's specification and it can be used with any BMS on site.





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Latest Customer Reviews

Fantastic Support

"There are a number of networked I/O products around, all of which probably work OK. The thing that sets the ISMA product, purchased from Innon apart is the fantastic support provided by Radu. Radu answers emails at 22:00 on a Sunday evening and is almost always available on the 'phone to give both pre and post sales support. Buy your kit from Innon and you won't spend hours trying to work out configurations! Oh, the price is pretty good too! – Neil Fuller from United Kingdom"

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