Sales. Elevated.
Is your sales team up to date with the latest technical solutions? Do they have enough information to present to their client while also having the support of the organization to deliver it?
Are they making their clients aware of the latest technical advantages showing them how their life will change if they go for your proposal?
Being up to date with the latest technical solutions can be a challenge, after all the technical manuals are for engineers and extracting the core benefits from them can be difficult.
Now you don’t have to settle for less. As part of our Genius Business Account there is no project too big or too complex for your sales team.
With the Genius Business Account your sales team will:
- Get the technical expert support on every project and tender
- Access to the Genius Hub where you can buy or sell engineering time
- Access to Niagara marketplace which will bring new jobs for your business
- Branded products with your company logo to secure you longer maintenance contracts
- Access to specific sales webinars to present to you the best methodologies for projects and tenders